How To Deal With Emotional Stress Of Divorce

Over 185 Years of Combined Experience Practicing.

How To Deal With Emotional Stress Of Divorce

Divorce is often an unsettling and stressful event, regardless of how long the couple was together. As such a critical relationship ends, there are several legal hoops to jump through before the divorce can be finalized.

The volatile emotions that come with this situation can also add to the emotional stress and anxiety. Divorce can leave you feeling confused, lost, and overwhelmed. We have compiled a list of healthy strategies to help during this difficult time. 

Have A Support System In Place 

When going through an emotional crisis such as a divorce, it’s essential not to go about it alone. Call a loved one or a therapist to help you process your emotions whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Many California divorcees find significant benefits and comfort from group therapy. In such a setting, you can share your experiences with others who have been in the same boat as you at some point in their life. This can help you feel less alone and gain valuable insight as to how others have been successful in healing their trauma of relationship loss.

Pay Special Attention to Your Diet

When your body experiences intense stress, your cortisol levels significantly increase, leading to loss of appetite. This is where the term "divorce diet" came from. Many people who are going through a divorce find themselves suddenly losing inches off their bodies within days and weeks.

On the other hand, if you are an emotional eater, you may turn to food to find comfort during this stressful period. Unhealthy eating patterns will only cause you to have less energy when you need it most.

Also, not eating healthy can lead to a deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals in your body, leading to increased feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety. So, no matter how your divorce is proceeding, don’t forget to drink plenty of water and eat a nutrient-rich diet every day.

It Is Okay To Grieve Relationship Loss

It is natural to grieve the loss of the life you had together with your ex-spouse. Feelings of sadness, anger, and denial are common responses to this loss. You may also resent your ex-partner and feel cynical about building new relationships.

Know that all of these reactions are entirely normal. Give yourself time and space to go through these emotions; there is no need to justify your feelings.

Find A Healthy Hobby

It's easy to let your thoughts and emotions run wild while going through a divorce or after your divorce has been finalized. Many divorcees find themselves obsessing about their past choices and how they could have done something differently.

It would help to focus your attention elsewhere to combat these anxious and repetitive thoughts. Play with your children or pets, spend time with friends, visit your family, or watch a funny movie. You can also engage in creative outlets such as painting, journaling, baking, or photography to express your feelings.  

Be Physically Active Each Day

One of the healthiest ways to refocus your energy during a divorce is to keep yourself active with physical activities. Swimming, hiking, kickboxing, and aerobic activities help you release pent-up frustration and "feel good" endorphins in your body.

So, if you are feeling cooped up inside, go on a walk or run every day. A little fresh air will rejuvenate your spirit and clear your head. Also, if you feel isolated or lonely, you can join a local Zumba or yoga class or even a team sports league where you can interact with others.  

Set Up A Self Care Routine

Self-care starts with eating a healthy, balanced diet and sleeping a whole night. Depending on your lifestyle, it can also include taking a hot bubble bath, getting a massage, or simply taking a nap.

Avoid binging on comfort foods that may feel good at the moment but almost always leave you feeling guilty and sluggish later. Also, be cautious around alcohol and drugs, as these substances can perpetuate negative behavior patterns and emotions and usually lead to regret.

Simplify Your Life

As you go through this tough time, it is okay to recognize that you may not function at total capacity. Instead of criticizing yourself, give yourself a break.

Prioritize the tasks most important to you daily and contribute your energy towards them. The rest of the things can wait. For example, if spending quality time with your children or contributing at work is all you can manage, that's enough right now. 

Call a friend or hire a professional service to handle non-important activities such as cleaning your house and doing the laundry. It can be incredibly healthy and empowering to learn to say "no" to things you don’t want to do.

Please call or contact our office online to arrange for an appointment about your case today.

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