Individuals who make the decision to serve in the military are rewarded for their dedication with significant benefits. Among those benefits is quality health care for themselves and their families. When a military family goes through a divorce, continued access to military benefits for a servicemember’s former dependents can be a challenging issue to resolve.
If you are going through a divorce involving a member of the U.S. Armed Forces, you should consult an experienced military medical benefits lawyer in Orange County for effective legal representation. At Moshtael Family Law, our legal team has decades of experience in various California family law matters, including those related to military medical benefits. We will work diligently to help ensure you and your family’s legal rights and interests, with regard to military benefits, are protected.
Military servicemembers and their dependents have access to quality and affordable healthcare. Active duty military personnel automatically get access to the Department of Defense’s TRICARE Prime medical program. Like employer-provided health insurance, TRICARE Prime helps military servicemembers cover the cost of medical treatment.
TRICARE benefits extend to the following:
Additionally, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provides various medical benefits for veterans. Divorces involving military families in California deal with issues of dividing marital property and financial support for children and former spouses.
At Moshtael Family Law, we can advise you on matters such as:
Under the FUSFSPA, a former spouse of a military servicemember is eligible to continue receiving TRICARE medical benefits even after their marriage has ended through death or divorce, in the following circumstances:
However, marriages with only a 15-year overlap with the servicemember’s 20 years of military service are entitled to medical benefits for a transitional period of up to one year.
If your divorce involves issues regarding rights to military benefits, you stand to benefit from the counsel of a professional military medical benefits attorney in Orange County. At Moshtael Family Law, you can count on us to provide you with comprehensive legal representation and advocacy to help ensure your rights to military medical benefits are not unjustly compromised.
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