Using Social Media During California Divorce

Over 185 Years of Combined Experience Practicing.

Using Social Media During California Divorce

Social media empowers you to freely share your views on any topic under the sun and connect with friends and others, no matter where they are located. But when contemplating a divorce or going through a divorce proceeding, it is time to restrain yourself and be informed about using the freedom to express that social media provides you.

Established divorce lawyers know how seemingly innocent and honest utterances on social media or chats with friends about your divorce matters can adversely influence your chances in the family law court in California. Things can quickly go from amicable to ugly in a divorce with just one offensive remark you may make on social media against your soon-to-be-ex.

Ensure you listen to your California divorce lawyer's advice regarding social media participation before or during your divorce proceedings. Here are some valuable insights from a seasoned divorce lawyer about social media best practices and how a careless remark on social media can damage your prospects in court or during negotiations.

Situations where Social Media can be Used Against You

Prudent behavior during your divorce proceeding demands just because you have the freedom to say anything on social media does not mean that you go ahead and say it. For example, your divorce attorney may argue to reduce your spousal support obligations because of your current financial position.

If you post images of your latest exotic vacation to the Bahamas, it may allow your ex-spouse to present these images in court to weaken your case. Consider another situation. You may be going through a bitter custody battle in court. At the same time, your social media pages have photographs or videos that show you consuming alcohol while your kids are around or revealing your frequent visits to nightclubs or late-night parties.

A picture can say over a thousand words, creating a perception against you in the court. Your former spouse's lawyer could effectively use these pictures to demolish your argument that you deserve to have sole physical custody of your child.

Hurting Your Chances of a Peaceful Divorce Settlement

A divorce settlement negotiated in an amicable environment is usually a win-win proposition for both sides. Dedicated divorce and family law attorneys in California know that a bitterly contested divorce often ends with both parties feeling dissatisfied with the court-ordered decree.

But even if your attorney has the skill and experience to achieve a favorable result on your behalf through negotiations with the other party, your adverse remarks on social media could ruin your chances. A familiar friend or follower on your social media network may inform your ex-spouse about what you have been venting against them on a public platform.

This could worsen an already-strained relationship, and your ex might withdraw from their cooperative negotiation position. Unwanted delays, costs, and less desirable outcomes may result from your unsavory comments on social media.

Top "Don'ts" to Follow on Social Media During Your Divorce

While your divorce is still pending, you should engage more responsibly on social media and follow these seven crucial "Don'ts" that a California divorce lawyer would advise to all clients:

·        Do not discuss or provide updates about your divorce proceedings on social media (including direct messages to social friends and followers).

·        Do not change your marital status to “single” or “divorced” on social platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

·        Do not share, comment, like, or re-tweet anything personal and negative against your ex.

·        Do not upload, share, or like any images or videos that feature you while you are drinking or partying.

·        Do not post images, videos, or comments about recent expensive shopping, dining, or vacation.

·        Do not flaunt any photographs that show you dating someone while your divorce proceedings are on.

·        Do not post anything on social media that a family court judge may not like – and when in doubt, check with your lawyer before you post.

Social Media is not a Place to Vent Your Emotions.

You may feel indignant or mad about how your ex-spouse has been treating you, and you may think about the way they are arguing in court or how things are proceeding in your case. But social media is not where you can vent your feelings while your divorce decree is still pending.

If your emotions are likely to get the better of you, taking a temporary break from social media activity may be wiser until your divorce is finalized. In any case, change your social media account passwords and turn their settings private. Only follow new people on social media if you know who they are.

Take your divorce attorney's advice seriously about social media-related matters. Hire a reliable and accomplished divorce lawyer committed to helping you successfully navigate your divorce.

Please call or contact our office online to arrange for an appointment about your case today.

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